Monday, 17 March 2025

So far, so good....then came the Hills

I think I was last out of the blocks, a bit of faffing to get comfortable....there's a long way to go. 

*credit MH

The first climbs out of Fremantle are character building, especially when you're heading directly into the rising's not a pleasant experience. It's very difficult to see the road ahead and side street traffic, traffic lights, and try to keep my eyes on the mirrors watching for vehicles behind me, as they too are driving into the rising sun. 

I think I missed a red light once or twice on the downhills due to the sun in my face 😮😳....thank God it's a weekend and the road is quiet. 

I'm not keen on being in this situation 

*credit MH

I'm fully aware that I'm difficult to see in such situations, but my one saving grace is that I'm in such an unusual vehicle, it catches the attention of drivers and the general public. Pretty much all drivers revert to their L-Plate training, slowing behind me and overtake reasonably safely....although some occasionally have a bit of difficulty in judging the distance on the kerbside and the speed I travel at, so cut you off because they want to turn left! 😳

*credit MH

Many years of motorcycle riding has hopefully got my "spidey senses" pretty well tuned. 

Always ride defensively in a velomobile because hardly anyone in Australia has seen one, let alone come across one out on the roads. They've all had experience riding a "road bike" and become VERY complacent around them...but a Velomobile is definitely something that opens their eyes. 👀 🤞

These hills are demoralising so early in the day, but for every climb, there's a descent. So I just take my time and enjoy the views...and watch for traffic, because I'm travelling extra slow and they're approaching at the speed limit. 

I've had a couple of small navigation issues, missed a turn here and there, only by a few metres....fortunately 😆

The best part is getting out of the traffic lanes and onto the shared pathways...much quieter, less stress not having to watch for traffic behind. 

The occasional "dot watcher" is out cheering me on. Much appreciated! as I'm "tail end Charlie"

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