Wednesday 5 April 2023

IndiPac Day 18 and Rest Day #2 Ceduna

Day 18...

Began with leaving Penong with rain threatening and the weather radar not looking too great. 🤔

The first half of the day's riding was definitely uphill...plenty of long 1% and 2% climbs, with the odd 3% and 4% just to make it slower. 😪

Nothing for it but to settle into a steady pedalling rhythm, and to just be aware of the feeling in the knees, so as to know when to down or upshift the gears to feel comfortable. 

Most of the day was very windy, a headwind from the left-front again with a few strong side gusts...and a bit of light rain for good measure. 

The crosswind gusts when descending at over 35kph are certainly noticeable, with a sideways jiggle in the steering... trade secret is to just let the Jaffa roll and not fight the tracks very straight on its own, and will settle itself back on line. 

It was over 45km before I felt like I needed a break, so with rain falling, I just pulled into a rest area and had the old ten minute "Gatorade and trail mix" munch stop and got back out on the road. 

The final 30km run to Ceduna was absolute Velomobile Bliss..... ripping along at just under 40kph for most of speed didn't drop below 32kph for a good 25km...absolutely magnificent...and still with pretty strong head/side winds as well. The terrain certainly helped...small undulations,  and conservation of momentum with aerodynamics. Great stuff. 

I wouldn't want to have done today's ride on a diamond framed would've been really demoralising fighting the wind and rain for the 70km. 

The management at the motel I had booked, said it would be ok to keep the Jaffa in my room. 👍
They even upgraded the room for a larger one, just so there was enough room to park the Jaffa inside & still be comfortable. ...two thumbs up 👍 👌 😎

Full unpacked the Jaffa...A shower and a lie down.... bad move...slept for two hours 
..the body must have needed it. 

Dinner done...
Washing sorted...

Jaffa maintenance tomorrow. 🛠🪛

IndiPac Rest day #2....Ceduna S.A.

What a difference a day makes...yesterday afternoon intermittent showers and a howling Westerly, today... clear skies and dead calm. Glorious day in the sunshine. 

Time to search out and find stickers for the Jaffa collection 👍  head down to the Ceduna Jetty with coffee and cake to soak in the views. 

A view from the cockpit ...white it's empty 🙃

Watching the birds at the beach ⛱️ 😎

A short ride around town, and shopping done for the next few days out on the road...

Lunch, and a bit of maintenance for the Rotovelo...brake check, chain lube, everything else seems ok 👍 

Restocked, repacked, ready to ride....

hmmm maybe I'll get the next flight back? 

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