Weather forecast for favourable winds... Must make for an early start.
Up at 5am, & out on the road at 6.25am, just after sunrise.
I'm greeted by cloudy skies, low cloud, hmmm might rain??
Doubt it! lol ;-)
Finally the "Exit" sign to Western Australia appeared through the fog at Birder Village. It's taken me 2 weeks to cross the State! Damn this place is big!!!
As is mentioned by every cyclist, the "sort of safe" road shoulder abruptly stops, the moment you pass this're now either riding on the road or going bush to get out of the way of traffic.
Welcome to South Australia.
G'day Rooey, just visible in the fog.
Pick a direction & distance ( in the dim dawn light) lol
Panoramic view 60km east of the Border. Wide, flat, quiet, endless view to the horizon in every direction.
The winds are indeed brisk but favourable. A Sou'wester is helping me cruise at a comfy speed of 30km/h.
My rest day yesterday had the same or stronger wind form the Nor'east. Good call to rest up!!!
Hard to see, but the sign reads "Nullabor National Park" some 90km from Eucla. Top travelling today, I've got here in under 4h45m. Nice!
This view has made the last 1750km (1000+ Miles) totally worth it. Bunda Cliffs Lookout.
Not a bad spot to call "lunch time".
126km travelled at this point, the body and legs are ok, maybe a few more K's before sunset??
Indeed, 159km... just 1k short of 100 miles for the day.... T&L had scouted ahead to find the night's campsite.
Top Choice!!
Afternoon tea... All stop! :-)
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