Anzac Day.... Lest We Forget.
Today began with the Dawn Service with the local community of Ceduna. Always a special day for me, especially on this ride, & with my attempt at raising money for Legacy.
To be able to live my life freely, travel safely & to never have had the experience of War close to home, is reason enough to remember those who've made the Supreme Sacrifice.
God bless Australia. The land of the free!!
Don't ever take it for granted. This Is God's country. THE greatest place on the Planet.
Back at the Ceduna Foreshore Motel,( thanks Aunty Chris) it was time for my ever reliable support team,"Thel & Lou" to part company.
They'd seen me through, & I'll miss them.
I've got to go back to carrying ALL my gear again... how do I repack this crap? LOL
Everything seems to fit.
Thel 'n Lou surprised me with a copy of the. "I crossed the Nullabor" certificate. I noted it specifically says "by Rotovelo"
How Cool !! :-)
All packed. & Thel 'n Lou on their way back home, time to find some cheaper "digs" for a day or two. A place to give the RV some TLC, & prepare for the next leg to Adelaide.
Not a bad, cheap cabin. This'll do nicely.
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